8 May 2014

Paternalism and Karl Marx

Mehmet Akif Özsoy
  20th century symbolizes many historical events. There have been established new countries, there have been defeated some states. These are just examples of historical events in the 20th century and we can list more. However it is important to understand the backgrounds of these historical events. What I meant by background is war of ideologies. One of these effective ideologies was communism which is constitutively created by Karl Marx. 

  Today communism can not be restricted with Karl Marx because last two hundred years the idea of communism has been changed and branched off. However this does not mean there is no essential principle. Actually there is essential principle and when people talk about left-wingers or communists, or when they define themselves as Marxist, they mean something. They refer to some ideas which are common for them. They define themselves more individual and more libertarians in spite of conservatives. What are meant by these descriptions have political meanings more than economic meanings. Background of these expressions aims to say that state should not interfere individual’s personal lives and choices, even for their own sakes. These kinds of interferences are known as “paternalism”.  Briefly it can be said that left-winger people against to paternalism. However it is hard to say that creator of the leftist ideology Karl Marx is an anti-paternalist man. The main question is “What is Karl Marx’s real approach to paternalism? “Writings of Karl Marx are innumerable so it is hard to analyze all paternalistic items in his books. However we can focus on some of these and reach a result.

     When we talk about paternalism we need two elements. One of them is people and the other is state. Even most paternalistic figures in the history accept that they are dealing with human beings and they try to find some pretexts for their limiter actions. However Marx’s approach to bourgeoisie makes me ask myself “Is this bourgeoisie class comprised of human beings or not?” Of course I know that it comprised of humans but sometimes Marx’s expressions make you forget.  Especially first chapter of the “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, which is “Chapter I. Bourgeois and Proletarians”, shows bourgeoisie as the reason of the all negativities. “Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society……… What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.”(217) I know that communism based on the idea of defeat this class. However this whole revaluation idea is oppression on all classes but proletariats. This might be understood like “Communism will save the world but first we should destroy your components.” This is the ultimate point of paternalism.

    Thus far what I mentioned by Marx is related with the process of revolution. If the dream of communism would be real what kind of paternalistic items would affect people? If you are not a fan of paternalistic system, Marx’s ideas will make you suffer. In 1848 with ‘The Demands of the Communist Party In Germany” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels list their demands and this list looks like a list of paternalistic demands. The list starts with “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” and we understand with the number 4 why they need to unite. It says “4. The whole population shall be armed. In future, the armed forces are to be forces of workers as well, so that the army will not merely be a consumer, as it was in the past, but will produce even more than the cost of its upkeep. Furthermore, this will be a means of organizing labor.”(242) You do not need to be an anti-militarist to reject this. If you are an anti-paternalist person this demand will not satisfy you. As it seems this is more than compulsory military service and this is a valid proof for Marx is a paternalist.

   Especially ‘The Demands of the Communist Party in Germany” is a good proof for Karl Marx was imaging a paternalistic state. This list goes on. To sum up today’s left-wingers are far away from Karl Marx on the paternalism issue. Even if they say leftism make people more free against to state, Marx is not one of that leftists. As I mentioned before Marx has innumerable writings and this means he has innumerable states. These are my ideas and do not forget that ideas are subjective. 

Note: You can reach the writings that are mentioned: The Portable Karl Marx, Karl Marx, Eugene Kamenka (ed.). Penguin Books, 1983
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