8 May 2014

Evaluate Yourself: Do You Support Paternalism?

Choose one of the answers provided for each question and note them down, you will be given a ratio result at the end of the test.
        1) Which one of these answers do you think describes human nature better?
a.       Human beings are self-oriented and capable of doing horrifying things and sometimes can act without reason.
b.      Human beings know what is in their best interest and naturally good.
        2) What is your view on pornography?
a.       It should be banned because it may affect the society unfavorably.
b.      It should be permitted.
        3) Suppose that the state wants to impose new taxes on cigarette and alcohol in order to reduce the consumption.
a.       I would support it because their bad effects on human body are proven and the state should protect its citizens.
b.      Even though they are harmful, people are aware of this and the state should respect their decisions.
       4) Do you think that military service should be compulsory?
a.      Yes, it should be compulsory.
b.      No, it should be a voluntary duty instead of an obligation.
       5) Suppose that a group of people want to hold a protest. Should the state prevent them from doing so?
a.       Yes, the state should prevent them for the public good, -for example- because of traffic problems etc.
b.      No, people have a right to hold a demonstration and the state should not limit their liberty.
       6) What is your view on heavy taxes that the state impose?
a.       The state can impose heavy taxes as it uses the taxes for public good.
b.      The state should impose lower taxes as individuals are more important.
       7) What is your view on compulsory primary school education?
a.      Primary school education should be compulsory since the state is responsible for people’s well-being in general.
b.      The state cannot force people do certain things especially when they are not capable of making rational decisions.
       8) What do you think about the censors on the Internet?
a.      The state can impose censorship if there is inappropriate content.
b.      The state cannot impose censorship on the Internet as individuals are capable of distinguishing what is right and wrong.

Now, evaluate your answers. 

If you chose A answers more than B's, then it means you are in favor of the state paternalism. You think the state has a duty to protect its citizens from any kind of harms and provide public good even though it sometimes might result in limiting other individuals’ freedom. On the other hand, if you chose B answers more, it means that you value personal rights more than you value public good, and you are supporting the idea that  individuals should be free to make their own choices since they know best what is good for them.